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Cemtex ABA file conversion

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Easily convert your Excel CSV files into bank
friendly ABA files to process your batch transactions automatically.

No more tireless data-entry, process all your online finance transactions with a Cemtex ABA file. Just upload your Excel payments list to and download a bank friendly ABA batch file to process all those transactions instantly!

An ABA file format is also known as a Direct Entry file, a Cemtext file format or simply as an ABA file. The ABA file format is generally used to process "batches" of transactions.

Issued by the Australian Bankers Association (ABA) the ABA or Cemtext file format is a fortmat used by banks to allow for batch transactions.

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What is a CSV file?

A CSV is a comma separated values file, which allows data to be saved in a table structured format. It can be generated from Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, Google Sheets and much more!